Monday, January 19, 2009

Time to Upgrade
This is was post I read on my friend and colleague, Scott Howard;s, blog ScLoHo's Collective Wisdom January 2, 2009.

When the economy was strong, we could afford to make mistakes or ignore bad sales habits. Things have changed now.

Recessions separate the weak from the strong. It's the ultimate "survival of the fittest" in the business world. Your skills, talents, and attitude are the real competitive edge in this marketplace.

Smart sales professionals are investing in themselves. They are reading more, listening to Podcasts, attending seminars and webinars, and taking advantage of their corporate training programs.

Take time to upgrade now and you will become an invincible competitor in your industry and market regardless of the state of the economy.

Source: Sales trainer/speaker Jeb Blount (, 2008)

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