Thursday, July 30, 2009

Keep in Touch and Follow Up to Easily Close Sales

Published Date: 2008-06-15 18:09:34

Keep-in-touch marketing is a process that you incorporate into your business to stay in front of your prospects and customers. Develop a system to follow up with every prospect, every time. Be respectful that the time may not be right, but remember, you offer a quality product your prospect may eventually need to solve his or her problem. Gently persist with your prospects with regular calls to check back in with them.

Studies show that over 80% of sales take place after seven contacts. To be absolutely effective in your marketing, you need to plan on having at least seven contacts with your prospects. Too many people give up with prospects too early. And this is one of the reasons they have trouble keeping their pipeline full.

Remember, "Not right now" does not mean "no." "We're working with another company" does not mean "no." Until you hear the word "No," it's not a "No." In addition, these calls are building relationships with a person who might also be a referrer or COI (Center of Influence).

Remember the Dr. Seuss book, "Green Eggs and Ham"? Super salesman Sam-I-Am works on persuading his friend to try the not-so-appetizing meal of green eggs and ham. He is relentless regardless of his friend's objections. He asks questions about various scenarios. Would you try them with a fox? Wearing socks? In a moat or a boat? Finally, the friend decides to taste the stuff only to discover he LOVES it! A prospect converted into a raving fan. I think Sam-I-Am would have made a lot of money as a sales training consultant, don't you? Even though he is a cartoon character, Sam is still a great model for the power of persistence.

Often when we have a goal of making a sale, we try just once or twice and then give up. We say, "Well, I guess it's just not going to happen." To be truly successful, keep at it! Successful business owners are not at the top of their game because they are "naturals." It's because they don't give up. When at first they don't succeed, they try again and again and again until at last...they realize their goal.

Herbert True, a marketing specialist at Notre Dame University, did some amazing research on sales follow up and found the following:

  • 44% of all salespeople quit trying after the first call

  • 24% quit after the second call

  • 14% quit after the third call

  • 12% quit trying to sell their prospect after the fourth call

This means that 94% of all salespeople quit after the fourth call. But 60% of all sales are made after the fourth call. This revealing statistic shows that 94% of all salespeople don't give themselves a chance at 60% of the prospective buyers. (from The Success Principles by Jack Canfield)

So, how are you currently keeping in touch with your prospects and customers on a regular and consistent basis? You must create an ongoing follow-up program to keep in touch with your prospects and customers so you stay on the top of their minds. To be effective, you must get in front of your prospects and referrers at least once a week and not less frequently than once every month.


Learn marketing techniques to attract new customers quickly in Author Wendy Maynard's free report: "Marketing Strategies to Fill Your Pipeline" at

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